
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sweep Technique

Sweeping is one of the coolest, yet most difficult guitar technique there is.  It requires hand coordination between your picking, and fretting hand.  To sweep, you must not pick each individual string, for that will give you a choppy sound, and you will never pick up speed with that.  you must use a fluid sweep motion (pretend your pick is a broom, and you are sweeping the strings..which is the floor).  This takes time to do, but this is the easy part; you still have to know what to do with your fingers.  Sweeping is a way to play each individual string to a chord (arpeggio) with a fluid motion (hence sweep).  take a G chord for example (picture above), and move that position higher on the neck.  Yet, this isn't enough.  You still need to have the coordination between your picking and fretting hand to successfully sweep.  It takes time, but if you practice it correctly, then you will do it.  I'll bet you all my glue that you will do it eventually. Check out the sweep.


  1. Any form of guitaring is the hardest part, I have short stubby fingers and no matter how much I try I can't play.

    Sad times

  2. i find working slower helps me achieve my sweeping technique, i kind of find a rythem with my picking hand and just it stay at that tempo.

  3. was that you playing in the little blip at the end?

  4. Haven't picked up a guitar in years. mostly because I never had any talent.

  5. I've always wanted to play guitar. Keep posting techniques! :)

  6. Wow, I had no idea guitar could be so complicated and awesome. Thought it was simple plucking and finger placements.

  7. im a beginner guitarist, this looks cool post more

  8. That technique is just plain awesome,need to learn it..

  9. I've actually been trying to learn how to play the guitar, thanks for posting awesome stuff.

  10. I want to learn how to play as well, although I have more of an interest in bass.
